
Miks valida Tartu Erakool?

Oleme õppimiskeskne ja õpilase arengule orienteeritud, terviklikku isiksust arendav ja koostööd soosiva turvalise õpikeskkonnaga kool.

Hariduse edendamine

Juhtiv haridusuuenduste ellukutsuja.
Eesmärk tagada alus- ja põhihariduse ning huvihariduse integreeritud toimimine ja areng.


Jagame oma kogemusi ja ekspertiisi partneritega. Tutvu meie koolituspakettidega.

Promotion of education

A leading implementer of educational innovation.
The aim is to ensure the integrated functioning and development of elementary and basic education and hobby education.

Why choose Tartu Private School?

We are a learning-centered and student development-oriented school with a safe learning environment that develops a complete personality and favors cooperation.


We share our experience and expertise with partners. Check out our training packages.

1.klassi avalduste vastuvõtt 2023/2024 õppeaastaks
TäheTERA, LõunaTERA, SädeTERA ja Peedu õppekohtadesse on avatud!

Best teachers

What makes us special

We make it possible to acquire a versatile education based on the individuality of the learner and we support the development of each of our people into such a personality who successfully copes with his life and work, develops himself and thus contributes to the development of society, defines himself as a member of his nation, as a citizen, as a co-responsible for the future of Europe and the world.

Centered on the student

  • curriculum supporting holistic development
  • small classes, study groups that match each student’s personality, talents and requirements
  • diverse learning and teaching methods
  • connecting subjects with each other
  • linking learning and teaching to real life
  • knowledgeable and caring teachers
  • attention important in the development of skills (supporting self-expression, presentation, cooperation, self-analysis and learning skills, development of creativity)
  • in-depth study of foreign languages: English from 1st grade.
  • in-depth study of basic subjects: additional mathematics lessons from the 1st grade, additional Estonian language lessons from the 7th grade
  • very good primary school results
  • the school day starts at 9 o’clock


  • verbal assessments in grades 1 to 6
  • verbal assessments and letters in grades 7 to 9
  • summative feedback: skills and competences assessment sheet at the end of the term
  • letters are not used in the learning process (class checks, smaller creative works, etc.), but verbal feedback and student involvement through self-analysis
  • in the study period 3-4 assignments rated with higher stars
  • emphasis on students’ responsibility (talks and shows their work at home HIMSELF) and self-analysis
  • noticing and developing interests
  • well-organized regular exchange of information (Stuudium, development discussions)

“You calculate well and can be seen that you also like it. You need a little help with unfamiliar task types. You did a good job of working independently.”

“You distinguish the sounds in a word very well, determining the length of the sounds is more difficult. I praise you for trying and wanting to correct mistakes yourself.”

Digital learning tools

Every student at TERA School has an iPad for schoolwork and study materials.

  • more diverse learning and teaching
    greater motivation and interest of students
  • the teacher becomes more of a guide and questioner than a transmitter of information
  • greater opportunities for differentiation
    freedom of choice also comes with greater responsibility on the part of students – the possibility to choose between several games/solutions
  • quick feedback
  • notebook, timer, blackboard, recorder, calendar, calculator, camera
  • Lots of student developing applications

Additional values

  • the school year begins in mid-August with a boot camp. End of the school year is on June 1.
  • The start of the school day is at 9 o’clock which is more in line with the natural sleep rhythm of young people
  • interest classes
  • long-day group PäevaTERA
  • various hobby activities in HuviTERA
  • fruit breaks
  • various events, many study trips -somewhere-else-study
  • activities in the outdoor learning center Peedu
  • comfortable school uniform
  • Innovatsioonipesa

TERA teacher - self-learner

  • “load”, working time, work schedule
  • “backpack”: tablet, laptop, unlimited use of tools,
  • designing your own work environment, free coffee and fruit, food discount
  • very good training and experience opportunities, including BETT, visiting other schools
  • self-analysis: class visits by colleagues in March, summaries at the end of periods, sharing of experiences
  • opportunity to participate in school management
  • unwritten agreements e TERA colleague’s good practice
  • collective meetings every week
  • cooperation times with teachers of the same subject

Our schools

Each of our schools is unique with its own face and characteristics!
Check out our schools!

Tähe 4, Tartu

Grades 1-6

  • Interest classes that students choose for themselves.
  • We inject students with the joy of movement. We go for orientateering, sledding, skiing or other activities in the park.
  • We immerse ourselves in English from the first grade to develop the courage to communicate freely.
  • From the first grade, we teach students to use digital tools wisely. In addition to the primer and notebook, each student has a personal iPad as a tool.
  • Our daily schedule is flexible, which allows the teacher to follow the work rhythm of the children.
  • A natural part of the day is good time for self-work or reading.
  • Each child has a TERA book for more effective time planning, feedback and monitoring of goals set for themselves.
  • Hobby School HuviTERA has a lot of activities at the end of the day
  • Our school year starts in mid-August with a boot camp.

Optika 15, Tartu

1.-6. class

  • In grades 1-3, we operate as an all-day school, where student activities are organized throughout the day.
  • From the 4th grade, we switch to integrated subject learning, where goals are set for the week, a summary is made at the end of the week, and opportunities to integrate different subjects are sought.
  • Class teachers, creativity teachers and English language teachers deal with the class together. In this way, we also take joint responsibility for the child’s day as a whole.
  • A teacher is not just a lecturer of knowledge, but a creator of a learning space where support, trust and understanding are respected; where mistakes are not punished, but are studied, analyzed, and learned from.
  • The inspiring environment created at LõunaTERA and the child given enough time in the daily schedule to apply the acquired knowledge to create new ones.
  • LõunaTERA school is the first school building that was created in cooperation with the movement laboratory of the University of Tartu, taking into account the child’s activity and the need for movement throughout the day.

Tähe 4, Tartu

1.-5. class

  • Animal-inclusive learning – purposeful animal-inclusive intervention organized and carried out by a qualified teacher in order to increase students’ learning motivation, self-confidence and increase mutual understanding.
  • Systematic development of talents and interests. Noticing and supporting each child’s strengths through learning activities.
  • Discretionary learning, i.e. supporting differentiated talent in groups based on interests and abilities. Individual curricula for gifted students.
  • Weekly creative project lessons based on individual interests and strengths teach to set goals, plan activities and take responsibility.
  • Small class groups make it possible to offer individual attention to each child.
  • Thoughtful field trips consolidate and connect the topics discussed in general education with real life.
  • Purposeful use of iPads and robotic tools in educational activities.

Mäe 6, Elva

1.-6. class

  • With the help of a general educational approach, students’ ability to observe, think independently, fantasize develops and the circle of interests expands.
  • The study takes place on a topic-based basis, and one topic can be covered for a week, two weeks or longer.
  • In the creativity education class, movement, crafting, art, manual activities, technology education, music education meet in different contexts.
  • In Peedu school, the maximum number of children in a class is 13, which allows the teacher to reach every student and the teaching is more effective.
  • We are convinced that the development of children’s interests is extremely important, and we offer the opportunity for one hour a week to deal with exactly what inspires the children at that moment and catches their eye in a special way.
  • In the Peedu school, learning English is a matter of natural language acquisition, similar to how a small child acquires his mother tongue.
  • Homework at Peedu school is mostly projects, researches, presentations, which are also nice and exciting to do together with the family. Instead of rushing to fill in the blanks on worksheets, our children read books at home and participate in exciting hobbies and exercises, which are fully supported by a reasonable amount of homework.

Tehase 16, Tartu

7.-9. class

  • ProTERA is a school where a spiritual learning environment is created that supports age-appropriate development and a sense of belonging, where learning motivation and independence grow through arousing interests and making choices, where they develop into creative and self-directed learners early on.
  • ProTERA solutions are designed primarily to support the student’s personal development. Our learning is therefore not only class-based, but takes place in groups of different composition and size, including tempo groups.
  • As a form of over-the-flight education, practicum-learning takes place.
  • Students choose three challenges to implement each academic year. When making choices and planning, students are supported by their team leaders through coaching communication.
  • The feedback methodology is based on principles that support the growth of a young person into a self-directed learner and a complete personality.
  • Our school days start at 9:00 a.m. because, based on research we consider teenagers’ sleep time.
  • The school day includes two meals and a 40-minute pro-time. All this supports deepening in the lesson, and there is enough time between two lessons to rest from studying.

